Alaska, Wrangell St. Elias
- Alaska taxi drops us off in Wrangell St. Elias backcountry
- Toe of the Nizina glacier
- Glacier travel
- Glacier travel
- Dodging crevasse's
- Camp 1, slept like a rock.
- View of Rohn glacier from high pass
- High Pass campsite
- High Pass campsite
- High Pass camp
- Evening at High Pass
- Descending the High Pass
- Descending the High pass
- Frederika Mountain, Wrangell St. Elias Alaska
- Camp 3 below Frederika Glacier
- Mess Hall
- Camp 4 Skolai Valley-Room with a view.
- River crossing
- Skolai Valley
- 8 day hike completed. Our ride out arrives Skolai Valley. Kevin, myself Trond and Jason(our guide)